Water Damage Tips

Water damage at home can come from a range of issues. Wherever it starts, it can result in severe harm to the infrastructure and stability inside. Floors, walls and other surfaces are susceptible to harboring mold and mildew if untreated after water damage. If your home takes on water damage, call the specialists from Paul Davis.

Preparing for the Experts

There are different things you can do before Paul Davis service masters arrive. From the floors, walls, ceiling, and your prized possessions, it's important to act quickly to postpone water damage in your home. Be sure your home is safe to work in. Turn off all electronics and breakers around your house to avoid electrocution. It may sound overly careful, but damaged appliances can be hazardous when exposed to water.

Saving Possessions & your Home

A severe flood in your home can leave all your possessions soaked. Once your house is safe to enter, remove all your possessions. Paper and inked things like magazines need a stable, dry area. This includes little tabletop things, such as lamps and knickknacks. The big work begins once you've relocated books and other small items. To start the drying process, try using air movers or your home's AC throughout your house to push air around the area. Soak up all minor puddles and sitting water with a wet mop or towels. Though you may want to try, do not use a standard home vacuum cleaner to remove water. Standard vacuums aren't equipped to clean up pools of water. If your furniture has been affected, use wooden or cement blocks to lift large furniture off the floor. Water adds weight to surfaces, carpets, and fabrics. This additional weight makes fur, rugs and leather goods difficult to dry. So if you have to move a large fabric item, proceed with caution. Hang clothing, draperies and other fabrics away from the wet area to dry correctly. Keep in mind that water damage can affect such items permanently, so you may not be able to salvage them. Water affects your home's structure the same way it affects rugs and carpets. Because of this, stay away from drooping ceilings or warped floors. These areas have likely taken on large amounts of water and could fall under weight.

Why Call Paul?

Water damage is easy for Paul Davis. And with a little prep work from our customers, the water damage can be treated more quickly. We can get your home back to normal safely and quickly. Our technicians are knowledgeable and have worked with all types of water damage in different types of residential and commercial spaces. Additionally, Paul Davis helps you with your insurance company to settle your claims quickly, so you can return to normal.